
I am Alice, the founder of Alice Rose Jewellery.
I love food, I love to travel, and I love jewellery!
After working in premium and luxury retail for over a decade before the birth of my first child, the desire to be able to spend as much time as possible with my son was the push I needed to leave my job and take the plunge with my own business.
My love for jewellery started at a very young age as my Mum and Grandma both had beautiful collections that I loved to rifle through and try on with my big sister. Throughout adulthood, when someone has said to me, “What would you like for your Birthday?” or “What gift should I get . . . .” my answer has always been “Jewellery!” To me, it is a very thoughtful gift, especially when the piece says something about you or a loved one or evokes a memory of a special day. You can also feel connected to the person who gifted you the jewellery when you wear it.
My interest in gemstones started early too. I remember spending Saturdays in the small shops in my local town using my pocket money to buy stones and beaded bracelets. Amethyst mainly because my favourite colour was purple. My parents would take us to Glastonbury on our way to Cornwall in the summer holidays, where we’d stop to visit the Chalice Well and wash our stones in the water to re-energise them.
The first time I saw stones being used to tell a story was when my Dad had a bespoke cuff bracelet made for my Mum for her 40th Birthday with all our birthstones on it. It was such a special gift.
When I got married in 2019, I knew I wanted to gift my bridal party with jewellery. I had an idea in my head and could not find what I was looking for anywhere, so I decided to make my own necklaces. I used the native stone of New Zealand, Pounamu, to represent my husband (who is a Kiwi!) and Rose Quartz to represent me and the eternal love I had for my husband, family and friends. The seed of my own jewellery line was planted.
Each piece is made by me, at my home in Staffordshire, with love and care. Every time I make a piece, it honestly fills me with joy to know that someone will hopefully open the box and love what they have in front of them.
I would love to hear your stories and see you wearing your jewellery so please do tag me on my socials (links at bottom of this page).
Alice xxx